venison roast

Best Ever Roast Venison Recipe - Group.
4 to 5 lb. venison roast 1 pkg. onion soup mix 1 can mushroom soup 1 1/2 cans water 5 med. potatoes, peeled and cut in chunks 4 carrots, scraped and cut in chunks

Oh-So-Tender Roast with a delicious broth mixture that can be served au jus or thickened for a luscious, hearty gravy. Add carrots and potatoes (optional), and you
South African Venison Recipes
venison roast - Recipe - Venison RoastMy apologies to the vegetarians and vegans amongst us. You might want to divert your eyes. How about a lovely black bean soup? or sweet potato chili? maybe a
venison roast
Crock Pot Roast Beef Or Venison Recipe.
A Year of Slow Cooking: Slow Cooker.
This is the best venison dish in my recipe collection. Simple but superb! Seasoning amounts depend on size of roast used. Recipe is adapted from The Raincoast Kitchen