Bold cute texts to say to a guy

Bold cute texts to say to a guy
Flirty text message i can send to my guy.

Whats a cute and flirty way, to say goodnight through text to a guy? The KGB Agent answer: A cute and easy way to say goodnight is to wish another person happiness.
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17.10.2008 · hes not my boyfriend yet but i hope he will be byt the end of the week what are some cute text message i can send to him??
Usain St. Leo Bolt, OJ, CD (pron.: born 21 August 1986), is a Jamaican sprinter widely regarded as the fastest person ever. He is the first man to hold both the 100
21.03.2009 · I want something cute for when you text not something strong like I love you and when I said I'd love you forever I lied because forever isn't enough.
Bold cute texts to say to a guy
You're head-over-heels for that hottie in homeroom, but you've got no idea how to break the ice. Stop stressin', girlie, 'cause we've got 100 cute things you can say
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Ray Boltz Gay What Are Some Cute Quotes Cute Says and Quotes Whats a cute and flirty way, to say.
Flirty text message i can send to my guy.